
I pledge to respectfully address conflict with my peers and family.
I pledge to have an open mind to making changes in myself, others, and community.
I pledge to respect people different from myself and try to understand where they‘re coming from.
By committing to this pledge I will become a positive productive, engaged member of my community.
―We will reverse the violence.
We will invest in our communities.
We will understand the impact of our actions.
We will educate others in non-violence.
We will take a stand.
We will shape our own future!

 Get involved in extra-curricular activities
 Mentor a younger child in your neighborhood
 Encourage your peers to break the "Code of Silence"
 Find an alternative and non-violent way to express anger and frustration Host a mini ―Mix It Up Day‖
 Create a quilt of diversity using fabric or other mediums that represent each students‘ cultural heritage
 Host a poster, Public Service Announcement (PSA), spoken word, or mural contest for youth on the theme
of Peace and the role of Youth in Peace-making
 Conduct facilitated discussions on Youth Violence Prevention-related topics: stress management, resolving
conflicts without violence, busting the myth of snitching, avoiding peer pressure. Use youth as facilitators or
invite specialists.
 Make a Peace Makers Hall of Fame bulletin board in your school that pays tribute to local, national and
international figures who have resolved conflict peacefully
 Offer your time to community based organizations working on violence prevention
 Utilize various social networking mediums (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) to raise awareness of violence
prevention. Create your own video/tool or support others that have created one
 Organize a service project where you and your friends volunteer with youth-serving organizations that
promote violence prevention.
 Ask your teacher to have a classroom discussion on ways to reduce violence in school
 Ask your school principal or park supervisor if you could paint a peaceful mural over graffiti in school or